Set billions of years in the future after war has ravaged the planet, humanity has split into two species. Once the planet has finally healed, the battle for the resources begin again. A battle between good and evil...
World premiered at the Soho International Film Festival in May 2015 and nominated for best world short film, it has been screened at Oscar-qualifying festivals: Palm Springs International ShortFest, Rhode Island International Film Festival, and Curta Cinema in Rio de Janeiro. Other prestigious festivals such as HollyShorts LA, Malibu Film Festival, and London Short Film Festival.
Directed by Guy Davies
Written by Nomattsland
Each week films will be premiered at 8pm on our YouTube channel here in which you can watch along, comment as you watch with others in the comfort of your own home…Once the premiere is over they will be uploaded to this page to create a huge archive of films you can easily access.
20.03.20 - Colour and Sound a Mesadorm documentary by Tom Jacob - Film-Maker & Musician