Monthly guide to independent film screenings...
Sun 11th Lansdown Film Club: Anomalisa A 2015 American adult stop motion animated comedy-drama film directed and produced by Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson, based on Kaufman's 2005 play Anomalisa. The film follows a lonely customer service expert (voiced by David Thewlis) who perceives everyone (Tom Noonan) as identical until he meets a unique woman (Jennifer Jason Leigh) in a Cincinnati hotel. 8pm £6/£5concs/£2annual membership
Sun 25th Lansdown Film Club: The Embrace of the Serpent In the early 1900s, a young shaman (Nilbio Torres) in the Colombian Amazon helps a sick German explorer (Jan Bijvoet) and his local guide (Miguel Dionisio Ramos) search for a rare healing plant. 8pm £6/£5concs/£2annual membership
Fri 2nd Wick Flix: Lion Dev Patel and Nicole Kidman star in this true story about a 5 year old Indian boy, who gets lost on India’s immense railway system, finding himself as a street kid, alone in Calcutta facing absolute poverty and exploitation. Fortune shines and he is adopted by an Australian couple and grows up in Tasmania. However the urge to trace his roots back to his home and family in India take over his life, but he has nothing to go on, apart from a vague memory of a water tower. This is an amazing true story that will have you reaching for the tissues! (Cert PG). 7:45pm £6 (includes one free drink!)