Photography by Dom Thompson
The renowned and long held Randwick WAP returned last Saturday 13th May with it’s traditional costumed procession through the village featuring this year’s chosen in (or Chusin’In in Randwickian) village Major and WAP Queen accompanied by musicians and dancers and other notable characters such as the High Sheriff, the Flag Bearer, the Sword Bearer and the Mop Man. The Major was then dunked/anointed in a pool at the bottom of the hill shortly followed by the rolling of the Bless-ed Cheeses.
So far so Stroud…
The festivities continued throughout the day with Morris dancing from the stick wielding, bell wearing leg-ends Boss Morris together with Gloucester’s England’s Glory plus live music, a dog show and the ancient, world renowned sport of welly wanging before the locals and visitors headed into the village pubs for further mirth and merriment.
Dom Thompson (Expoja) headed up to Randwick for a Good On Paper photojournal to capture the unique community event which many believe dates all the way back to medieval times….

For further information on the Randwick WAP head to: